Color Plates and Tablecloth Trigger Obesity
But a new study reveals the color plates and tablecloths were also affected portions of food.
This research was conducted on 200 participants aged between 18-39 years. The first experiment, participants were given a plate with different sizes.
Participants are given a larger plates indicate they eat more than the participants with a small plate. The results of this first experiment only confirms some previous experimental results that the size of the plate affects the size of the meal.
In the second experiment, participants were provided with food plates and tablecloths with the color combination.
Participants who ate with plates and tablecloths most contrasting color (such as white plates and red napkins), more likely to eat more than the participants with the plates and tablecloths the same color.
Researchers explain that a kind of illusion or trick of the eye. Based on the theory Delbeouf, the existence of a contrasting color to make the dish look a bit like. So that it actually causes them to increase the portion of food.
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Color Plates and Tablecloth Trigger Obesity