Bees sting Create Ageless

The venom of a bee sting is now being studied because they can be used as a wonder drug for reducing wrinkles in facial skin.
Researchers found that the venom from a bee sting can increase collagen, which makes the skin feel more elastic, more youthful look and reduce the impact of dangerous sun rays.
After 12 years of research conducted, the first facial treatment using venom from bee stings have been sold in the market.
Earlier, a face mask containing bee venom has also been booming for years and is only available in salons and spas.
This research has been conducted by scientists from Korea, Dr. Han Sang Mi for a cosmetics company in New Zealand, Manuka Doctor.
Consumers who use bee venom product of this will feel like 'electric shock with a soft' on the skin. By entering the bee venom, dikecohi body and cause blood lead in areas which are exposed to toxins and stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, which keeps skin firm.
"I have done research and clinical trials to prove that bee venom is clean can help prevent the formation of collagen and sun-damaged skin. Exposure to sunlight is one of the main causes of wrinkles, because the UV rays increase the levels of a protein that is responsible for degradation of collagen in the skin, "said Dr. Han.
The discovery of these products from bee venom was asked to replace the fame of botox. Dr. Han added that during the decision-bee venom bee no one of them was hurt because it uses a special device.
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Bees sting Create Ageless