Protecting Your Ear When Listening to Music

Unfortunately, there is the risk of hearing loss and disorders of the ear to those who are too old to wear earphones or headphones for listening to music. If there is permanent damage to the ear, one risk is the loss or decline in hearing function at an early stage.
Another possibility is to place the symptoms of tinnitus, aka ringing sound in the ear during quiet conditions. Tinnitus can cause mental fatigue, even depression, and hallucinations, as if listening to music.
Actually using earphones or headphones do not cause hearing loss. The cause of the symptoms of hearing loss is more in the habit of listening to music.
If you frequently listen to music at full volume in long-term and continuous, such as wearing earphones all day, or watching a loud concert without ear protectors, then your ears will be "exhausted" and will be less effective when I had to hear the sound at normal volume levels.
Of course, this phenomenon is not only triggered by listening to music. For those of you who work in the construction of the project area also experienced a similar risk, but with different causes. The noise of heavy equipment machinery is heard continuously throughout the day can lead to tinnitus.
You can avoid this by following a few tips:
1. Limit the volume when listening to music player with earphones and headphones
Listening to music at loud volume levels will make your ears tired. A reasonable volume level in the range of 85dB or about 60% of the volume level in most of the music player device. Some gadgets also have a volume limit feature that can limit the maximum volume level so it is not too hard.
2. Use earphones or headphones with noise canceling features
One reason for someone to listen to loud music is to block out noisy surroundings. Well, you no longer need to raise the volume just to get peace when listening to music. Just use earphones or headphones that feature noise-canceling or noise-isolating. That way, music can be played at a reasonable rate without disturbance outside noise.
3. Clean earphones
If you prefer to use earphones, make sure the earbuds into the ear is clean before use. Dirt on the earphones that go into the ear can cause ear infections that ultimately disrupt the hearing.
4. Rest your ear
Maybe this is the most difficult troubleshooting. As good as any music being listened to, not be as important as the health of your ears. Rest the ears for 5 minutes every 15 minutes so that the ears stay fit.
5. Note the duration you use earphones
The key is a reasonable portion. Proverbial, exercise is healthy but too much exercise can cause health problems as well. Listening to music for hours every day will make the ear work hard and finally decreased function.
Changing habits is not easy. But when health is at stake, preventing is always better than cure.
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Protecting Your Ear When Listening to Music