Caring for Wet Cell Phone

If a disaster like that happens, do not panic. What should be remembered, do not try to turn on the phone (if directly exposed to water or die after mud). Here are some tips to overcome it.
Your cell phone fell into the mud? Maybe add a splash of water again feels horrible, but absurdly wet, indeed it's what you should do.
Hold your phone vertically so that water flows easily, cover the hole on the phone like an audio jack, USB ports, speakers and microphone as best he could with his fingers, then flush with water until clean. Do not add soap smelled a bad odor though. This can be done later after dry.
The faster you dry a wet cell phone, the better. First, do not turn on the phone or press any button when the phone is in wet conditions.
Open the phone and remove the battery casing. Wipe phones with a towel or cloth with fine fiber (microfiber). Tissue was allowed provided it's not to shreds and leave the dirt on the phone body.
If you have seen the dry, keep in mind there may be particles of water that enters the mobile electronics components. The fastest way is to open its body. But not everyone can or dare do it.
There are two other ways. The first, tap-tapping the phone with carefully into the palm of your hand until the water comes out. Repeat until there is absolutely no water spots that appear on all the existing holes, and repeat if necessary. Secondly, use a hair dryer or hair dryer from different angles.
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If the steps above fail to revive your phone, then the only way is to take it to a service center. Given these include user error, the vendors usually do not bear the cost of repair and replacement of components. That is, you have to pay even if the phone is under warranty.
The best way to avoid this problem is to use a headset so that your phone can be stored safely in your purse or pocket.