There is a Special Website for love Relationships Decide

Taobao, is a new website in China that offers the services of 'courier' to convey the message to your partner, that you want to end the affair. Yes, through this service, you will indeed help a third party.
Quoted from the Daily Mail, Taobao claims it offers this service will minimize the 'damage' or problems that occur as a result of your decision cut the rope in love with a partner. To get this service, clients must spend about 30 pounds or $ 4.23
You can choose the service package. For example, for service 'platinum', someone will send a message privately, not by phone. But for this one service, the client must bear the damage that may occur if the parties decided to act rude or hurt the messenger. There are about 40 agents who will help clients 'get rid of the troubled couples'.
Not only in China, the United States also have a site that offers a similar service, called iDUMP4U. How it works, representative of a service company will be called 'prospective ex-lover' you and the prepare messages that contain detailed explanations about why you do not want anymore with her lover.
However, the client must be ready if the story of a failed love affair was published. Due to an audio clip about the process of 'breaking' it will be uploaded as proof that their mission had been successful.
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There is a Special Website for love Relationships Decide