Justin Bieber Live a DNA test to disprove impregnate Fans

TMZ reported the site, Selena Gomez's lover to undergo a DNA test on Friday (11/18/2011) night. The test is conducted at a laboratory in New Jersey.
"(DNA tests carried out) in a very controlled," he writes TMZ.
DNA testing is undertaken Justin after he accused a 20-year-old woman named Mariah Yeater. The woman claimed to have had sex with Justin backstage at a concert singer of 'Baby' was in Los Angeles.
In August, Mariah gave birth to a baby boy who he claims comes from his sexual relationship with Justin. He demanded that the singer 17 years to go feed the baby.
Justin certainly flatly denied the allegations Mariah. She was also challenged conduct DNA tests. The challenge was accepted by the singer who soared through the album 'My World' is.
Mariah's lawyer, Jeffrey Leving said DNA tests had kept secret as much as possible. "I will ask the judge to order DNA testing to ensure safe custody of the child," he explained.
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Justin Bieber Live a DNA test to disprove impregnate Fans