Arguing a Healthy Ways with Husband

Not infrequently the domestic debate was colored by the action to shut up for several days or a slamming door. Before knowing how a healthy debate with your partner, you'll want to know the stupid things that usually do one (or maybe you too) when you're debating.
1. Have a great desire to always win when you're debating. Even when it knows that you are wrong.
2. Too selfish. A small argument can be a dangerous thing if one or both partners satua focus only on its own.
3. Too dominating. You often think that couples do not do things the right way. But in fact, he just does not do it the way you want.
4. Replying. For example, the couple upset with one of your properties, he said a bad thing. You become hurt and did not receive and respond with words that just as bad. Then in the end, this will be a cycle.
5. Slammed the door is one small way that makes the debate becomes larger. When you want to vent frustration, try to stay away from theaters of conflict and set the breath properly.
So how did the debate is healthy?
Errors that often occur when the couple is fighting, they often bring up things that strayed far from the main problem. The act instead of making an argument subsided, but it exacerbates. Try to focus on issues currently being faced, not a problem in the past or small things that can exacerbate strife.
Every time you feel will remove comments that came out of the context of the problem, stop talking and inhale deeply. That way, you can stay focused and the problem was so quickly resolved.
Time together in an atmosphere heats up, people become much easier to be sarcastic and raise the tone sounds. Either intentionally or spontaneously, it is done solely to demonstrate dominance, so that more voice heard and to defend his argument. Avoid also threw harsh words. The more you concentrate on how to talk, it's easier to keep the sound remains normal and defuse a heated argument.
When you feel the emotions have started to rise, the couple asked for time to pause. There are no rules in love all issues must be resolved on the spot and then. Say you need time to be quiet and calm the mind, so that any decision would be taken later was through careful thought, not because of a spontaneous decision because of emotions covered.
When to stop the habit of arguing?
The debate will always exist in every domestic life. But by understanding and avoiding the mistakes of the above, then you can make a healthy debate. If you do it right, the debate will be better in the absence of shouting, slamming doors or other negative attitudes, and you too can voice opinions like a casual discussion.
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Arguing a Healthy Ways with Husband