7 Things to Do Day Before Marriage

Excessive stress can damage the beauty as well as detrimental to health. To ensure all goes according to rancana, seven do this on a day before the wedding, as quoted from allwomanstalk.
1. Check Back Your Wedding Gown
Make sure anymore whether your wedding dress is in conformity with body size, ironed and put in place. Do not forget to check back in detail. See if there are loose beads, stains, or sutures are not strong. That way, you can fix small problems you dress, before it turns into a big problem.
2. Carry Emergency Supplies
Safety pins, band-aid, needle, thread, tissue, cotton, bandages, double-sided tape and other equipment related to your needs at a wedding, should be stored in a bag or box that is easy to carry. Emergency equipment is very important so that the obstacles that might suddenly come it can be overcome, such as kebaya or dress buttons off. Read what emergency equipment must be brought by the bride and groom here.
3. Telephone Charge Minutes
Phone one of the people in charge of your wedding, wedding organizer or family committee appointed to become chief executive. Make sure everything goes according to schedule and rancana. Make sure and know that everything is ready implemented, will make you much more calm.
4. Trying Shoes
Usually the bride and groom to try and buy shoes a month before the wedding party. So there's nothing wrong, if you try putting on shoes before you wear tomorrow. Allowing myself to wear wedding shoes, shoes can make the form more flexible and comfortable. Do not forget to include crumpled newspaper or socks to loose, when they wanted to be saved.
5. Meet with The Bridesmaid
Meeting with female friends you certainly can eliminate stress and worry. In addition, a meeting can also be a 'meeting' last time so you can be sure that no one who comes late and tell them about things or what items you would need on the next day.
6. Spending Time with Family
Preparing for all purposes of marriage has taken a lot of time and often make you forget the family. Spend an hour or two to chat with parents, brother and sister as he opened the old photo albums. Maybe it would create an emotion, but you need to convince them that this marriage will not make you go to leave the family alone.
7. Relax
This activity is most needed the bride and groom before the big day Go to the spa and enjoy a day of care is an activity that can improve your mood and make the bride more confident. Both the bride as well as men must do this. Wedding day is the most important day in your life, you certainly do not want to appear with a face wrinkled and dull because of stress from lack of care. Do not hesitate to do the fun things that can improve your mood, you deserve it.
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7 Things to Do Day Before Marriage