5 Ways to Get Marriage Anti-cheating

According to Michael Brickey, psychologist and author of 'Defying Aging', joking or small seduction with someone outside the relationship 'official' you are very susceptible to trigger infidelity. As quoted from Yourtango, the definition of flirting itself is a sexual invitation for someone in the form of fun.
Flirting is one thing important to the happiness of the relationship, but should only be performed on the primary relationship. There are several ways you can do to make your wedding an anti against infidelity. This is it!
1. Make your wedding an anti relationship to cheating, to start with yourself. For example, do the flirting habits in front of your husband. Do not hesitate to try a creative way while teasing. But remember, do this only on your partner.
2. Temptation of cheating often occurs because of you and your partner are rarely seen or leaving quality time for both. Although busy, you should set aside time to share stories and tell your needs or desires of the couple.
3. If you want to have a happy marriage, you should avoid having a relationship 'friendship' that is not normal to other people. For example, by co-workers.
4. Despite careful, sometimes the temptation to come up considerably. As a precaution, it could not hurt to ask your partner to avoid interaction both emotionally and physically with his girlfriend. Make him understand about emotional infidelity, so you both know that infidelity can happen without sex.
5. In his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman said that couples who successfully dalah a marriage is when they are able to correct mistakes or difficult circumstances in their relationship.
Each partner has its own way to overcome this problem, ranging from a romantic way to silly things. It is able to remind your partner how much effort to get an apology from you.
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5 Ways to Get Marriage Anti-cheating